UCI Rocket Project subteam updates for Feb 7 – Feb 14
Progress since lab reopened!
Read more to see what the subteams have been doing the past week.
Avionics Subteam
Update By: Brennden LaGreek
Avionics has made great progress, with everything nearly ready to begin testing. The control box/ecu is mostly done, with only a few minor touchups to be made.
Launch Vehicles Subteam
Update By: Michael Ross
The Launch Vehicles team has continued to research their recovery bulkhead redesign to help reduce unnecessary costs and weight without compromising functionality. The team has also completed manufacturing and assembling of the Vertical Test Fire Mount (VTFM). For fins and skins, the team is continuing to do more simulations. The team is on progress for launch!
Propulsion Subteam
Update By: Thomas Westenhofer
This week the Props team conducted a tank burst (pressure proof) test on the tanks welded for us by Pythom space. A valuable lesson was learned as the tanks failed at 750psi (a FoS of 1.5) this will now require rewelding. Props has also been continuing on assembly and cleaning. As we get closer and closer to VTF, more tests will be done so we can refine our designs and ensure we have a smooth test fire and launch.
Solids Subteam
Update By: Ryan Chu & Kenny Tsing
The solids team has continued their manufacturing, with some doing fiberglass layups, and many others finishing epoxying for their motor mounts. Things don’t always go as planned, and many members have grown to appreciate sandpaper in correcting bad cuts.